Key Corporate Insights: ESG Leadership Forum 2022

Nasdaq and The Wall Street Journal Custom Events co-hosted in September the second annual ESG Leadership Forum, where influential business leaders like Anne Simpson, Global Head of Sustainability at Franklin Templeton, Stanley Bergman, CEO and Chairman of Henry Schein, and Deborah Ng, Head of ESG and Sustainability at GMO, alongside top-level investors convened to discuss trends and share peer-to-peer insights, about how companies and investors are working together on ESG strategies and climate goals that impact the transition to a low-carbon economy:


  1. Implement a climate strategy – with views on the transition to clean energy.
  2. Disclose quality ESG efforts and progress – investors value when looking for new investment opportunities.
  3. A board of directors committed to sustainability – building with a focus on ESG.


The Stakeholders Sustainability Index (SSINDEX) allows companies to diagnose and analyze material information from stakeholders and determine their progress on ESG initiatives overall.

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