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ESG LINKED-LOANS: A growing trend

Today’s Bloomberg LP article describes how sustainability-linked loans (SLLs) work. They are tied to companies’ ESG KPIs, and banks are beginning to include discounts or penalties based on their performance and reporting. ESG loans have grown 100 times in 4

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Key Corporate Insights: ESG Leadership Forum 2022

Nasdaq and The Wall Street Journal Custom Events co-hosted in September the second annual ESG Leadership Forum, where influential business leaders like Anne Simpson, Global Head of Sustainability at Franklin Templeton, Stanley Bergman, CEO and Chairman of Henry Schein, and

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World Investment Report 2033: HIghlights and next steps

In alignment to reach global sustainability standards, Corinne Neale, Managing Director at BNY Mellon highlights “the role technology has to play in accelerating the efforts announced in the UNCTAD World Investment Report 2022: leveraging, #dlt, data integrity controls, taxonomy mapping,

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Frequently Asked Questions

The SSINDEX creates a risks and sustainability matrix, delivering a performance rating from 0 to 100% at a company level, ESG topics, by stakeholder and sub-specific topics. There are three ways of performance comparison: with themselves, average benchmark, and the top 25%. For holding companies, the relative contribution can be reviewed in different companies and countries from the whole business.

The SSINDEX analizes information with three unique characteristics: (1) the captured data isn’t reported by the company, but by stakeholders including: clients, employees, suppliers, communities, authorities, investors, and others, (2) the captured information is not past, but current in real-time, and (3) to understand what happens in the company overall, a stakeholder crossed-data based on ESG is done.

Companies are an interconnected system, if a gear stops working it will affect the entire process. We get to evaluate a lot of companies that stand out as the best to work at, with a higher reputation or with the most loyal customers, but when the data is crossed we realize the analysis is only partial. For example, in companies with loyal clients we have found gaps in the suppliers’ administration that affects the employee’s work, and that has a direct impact on sales from client’s complaints. Also, companies with employees who state that are highly committed but client’s indicate that employee’s engagement is low.

It is recommended to be applied once a year, with a three stage model: diagnosis, risks mapping and monitoring.

Yes, the results are delivered directly to each  company measured, and they define if they make it public. Usually companies do as bring positive visibility.

The SSINDEX uses different channels to capture ESG data from stakeholders, including: telephone, email, text messages, indepth interviews, one on one, and through video conferencing.

The SSINDEX pricing is a combination of two conditions, one the amount of stakeholders to be analyzed and the best channel to capture their information.


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